当前位置: 首页 >目的地 >中国 >河北 >廊坊 >燕郊步行街


  • 等级:2A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
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  • frankGeng
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    燕郊步行街and美食一条街〜 最后依了老爷子吃的他久违的驴火〜不过还真香!店里伙计都是河间一带的口音,驴火相当地道!酥酥脆脆的〜
  • voyageurautourdumond
    Sorry to write this but this street is very poor and dirty. A lot of "dead water" on the floor in some areas with horrible smell. They really need a deep deep cleaning with high pressure water. The street is have 2 avenues with many shops similars, most of them with cheap modern clothes Chinawide brands. A lot of price like 28 yuans, 38 yuans..... with noisy speaking vomitting old fashion average dance music. You can buy some HDVD or some food on street seller. The high spot is the KFC.
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