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wachusett mountain state reservation

wachusett mountain state reservation

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • 354joec
    I spend at least two evenings a month hiking the mountain because it is local to me and has some difficult trails to hike. Most of the time my hikes are early mornings or late evenings since the mountain is very popular. Some trails are very family friendly. Check the trail maps before you hike.
  • oldtimeminuteman
    We live nearby and love to hike Mt Wachusett regularly. It is not a difficult hike and there are multiple trails you can take. The most direct trail is behind the ranger station and goes pretty much straight up. You can also drive or hike on the paved road (except during ski season...when the ski trails are open). There is a $2 fee for cars if you want to drive up, but many times no one is collecting. The views are wonderful. On a clear day you can see Boston.Hot summer days are wonderful here.... the air is much cooler than in the city. While here take time to visit the center of Princeton. It is just a short drive further up Mountain Rd. It's a quaint little New England town....beautiful in the fall!
  • kacraig
    We found this attraction on a foliage site. The skylift is open on days when there are events on. We were lucky there was a free event on this weekend. Lovely drive, but if using sat nav, full address is 41 Mile Hill Road, Westminster.The visitor centre is easily accessible, large car park. Skylift is $10 for adults. Worth it as the views over New England are sensational, but you can also walk or drive up. well worth it for the vista.Coming down great views of the foliage. But to be honest its fantastic at the visitor centre base. There's a lake which beautifully reflects the trees in all their glory. Make it a definate visit if visiting in the fall
  • MerleA228
    Great trails and great views. Come anytime in the year and there is always an adventure waiting. The visitor center is great, and the new observation area at the top the mountain is worth the hike or bike. Don't take the car . ...
  • maribethb
    Drove to the top and enjoyed the view. Felt like we were cheating as I love to hike but we weren't prepared to hike and had 2 little kids in tow. Easy drive up, nice views and refreshingly cool at the top!
  • frankfuter
    This state park 8 also a ski area, and it has many trails to the top. For those less daring you can drive to the top. The view is fantastic and 360*. You can see Boston, Worcester, new Hampshire, Vermont, and the quabbin. The town is very beautiful also
  • yawl52
    We stopped by the headquarters which has info about the area and good descriptions of the wildlife and birds. There was a friendly guide at the desk who answered all our questions.We drove up to the summit on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. The road is very well maintained and it only takes about 10 minutes to get to the summit.I haven't been up there in over 40 years and it was a lot different than I remember.You could see for miles in every direction and it was gorgeous.There are many trails to hike and I was surprised how few people were there on such a nice day!
  • kathleenr226
    This is a great place to hike! It's a fairly easy trail, and takes about 3 hours from the base of the mountain to the summit and back again. There's a lookout area on top of the mountain, and it offers fantastic views! The day I visited was a bit hazy, but you could see points as far away as Boston and Mt. Greylock despite the haze.It's not a huge mountain, but it offers great views regardless and is worth hiking up.There is also an auto road to the summit of the mountain, for people who don't want to take the hiking trails.
  • AndreZanetti
    A vista é incrível. O caminho da reserva até a estação de esqui realmente é maravilhoso. Se prepare para fazer várias fotos excelentes.
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