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chesuncook village church

chesuncook village church

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • BoulderBill
    Worth visiting for the gorgeous pine wood paneling inside. Very nice. It is a short walk from either the Lake House Inn or the General Store. There aren't too many architectural sights, so you might as well see this one!
  • janp788
    The Chesuncook Village Church which is really a Meeting House is used seasonaly by all denominations during the summer months. It was once used as a school house. Today it also functions as a community center and houses a small library. Nice looking building though it's vinyl siding does take away from it's otherwise idyllic setting. Looks like it needs work. This place is really remote so either bring food & drink or go to the Chesuncook Lake House about 300' away on the lake. They have food, drink, small general store, etc.
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