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liberty ridge family farm

liberty ridge family farm

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • britewally
    My wife and I, took our great granddaughter, daughter, and son in law, to Liberty Ridge Pumpkin Farm. What a great and awesome day. The Staff, were outstanding people. I also enjoy the fact, that they had bathrooms, all over the place, and they were in buildings, and not out houses.A few out door buildings, with eats, or popcorn. So much to do, like top of the ground, and underground slides, Large bouncy pillow, pig races, pumpkin cannons, pony rides, animal petting rings, trolley rides, corn mazes, haunted mazes, pumpkins, cider donuts, to buy.Much more to eat, and do. Instead, of an amusement park, it is an amusement farm. One of the best places, to spend a day, in the capital region, of Albany, Troy, and Saratoga areas, in upstate NY.
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