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international vinegar museum

international vinegar museum

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • LarsonsinVA
    In late June we visited family in Eastern South Dakota. One afternoon we headed into Webster and came across a sign for the International Vinegar Museum. I am not a vinegar fan, but in the state of Corn Palace, Wall Drug and countless other reasons to stop we had to stop. This small one a kind museum is dedicated to the creation and history of vinegar. Taste different vinegars, learn how it is made and used as well as vinegars from around the world. Friendly staff will help guide you or answer any of your questions!Cool. The museum and gift shop are housed historic city auditorium on Main Street. Each June the city hosts the Annual Vinegar Festival and Parade when the Vinegar Queen is crowned. Yes, I got pickled at the International Vinegar Museum!Open June to Labor Day. Roslyn is a small town in east central South Dakota with great friendly people.
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