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mentor lagoons nature preserve

mentor lagoons nature preserve

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    It's a natural destination! Escape to the tranquility of nature and...


  • JenniferPLP
    It is about a mile walk to the most secluded beach. No bathrooms when you get there. It is beautiful!! The walk to the beach is very quiet, no highway traffic, no people, just the sound of nature. When you get to the beach, all you see in either direction is sand and lake. There might be a couple people down the way but that is all.
  • Unicent
    I recently spent a very enjoyable hour with two friends kayaking around the Mentor Lagoon. We rented one "two-person" and one "one-person" kayak. Both were in excellent condition. As we were kayaking in a lagoon, it was very easy to do (no waves). The price was very reasonable and the young woman who rented us the kayaks was pleasant and helpful. We were basically in a boat "parking lot", and it was fun to look at the various boats, as well as the variety of houses and makeshift bar/relaxation stations along the pier. There is a bathroom to change in. Be sure and bring water tight bags for your valuables. Go, take off your shoes, kick back and stroke for an hour!
  • shawno205
    This was a nice place to take a relaxing walk and shoot some pictures. Very relaxing! Not far from the hotel either. worth the visit!
  • RogerB117
    I had docked my boat at this place years ago before it was a park. Since then the city has created a multi-use area maintaining gated entry into the docking area with trails around the surrounding area. That means there is no direct access to drive up to the beach. You'll be walking the trails or the road that runs through the docks. It's at least a 1/2 mile hike so be prepared for a walk. The trails are ok but not real remarkable. You'll often see deer that will let you walk right up to them.As the beach goes it's not guarded and is more of a "natural" feel with fallen down trees and debris. It has a couple of access points and is a nice walk. I would warn anyone planning to swim there to think twice. The Mentor sewage plant discharges a short distance out in the lake from this beach. Our dog got very ill after a trip to the beach where she had been swimming. I suspect she ingested some lake water. Just an FYI.If you are planning to swim or don't want a long walk to a beach Mentor Headlands is probably a better bet.
  • marilynbphoto
    Trail has many birds, views and interesting Ohio wildlife. Check with the Mentor Marsh visitors center for periodic guided hikes.
  • gingerriss
    If you like nature and need a handful of it, check this place out. They have paddle boats and canoe down the river to the lake. Lots of boat and people all around.
  • Treeless
    It is the off season for bird watching so disappointed we didn't see more birds. But happy to see what birds we did see. Enjoyed looking at Lake Erie and boats.
  • zxywefly
    This is a lovely environment to explore a little of the diverse and always fascinating Ohio North Coast. Spring and fall are special but there is something unique to enjoy in every season of the year.
  • Luvs2Travel75
    Took a walk today on the Lake View trail. It was ok, basically like walking down an unpaved road with no traffic. We will probably go back and try some of the other paths and see what the preserve looks like when all the foliage has come in. We were able to get down to the beach, which was nice and quiet with only a few other people down there. We weren't sure what happened, but there were a ton of dead fish on the beach, so we had to really watch where we walked and the smell was not too pleasant.
  • Smittythepiper
    First let me say, I am a diver for the Fire dept. so I come here quite often to drill in the lovely "zero visability" waters of the lagoons. We practice there monthly and even ice dive during winter months. This place has very nice trails and it seems the people using the trails take the time to keep the garbage use to a minimum. The manager does a great job staying on top of the needs there. Bathrooms are porto-potties. Pop machine available for water or drinks. I suggest bringing a sport bottle for your trail voyage, You CAN access the beach from the trails.
  • clevelandgirl
    The Lagoon is filled with birds and dense woods with trails to walk bike or jog. Pretty Trails...across the street is the marina.
  • lrwolf
    Wonderful pathways that wind down to a very natural beach on Lake Erie. Loaded with beach glass, if you happen to be a collector.
  • Dashadow
    If your visiting Mentor this is a great place to visit. It offers terrific hiking a bicycle trails. You get great views of lake erie especially at sunset. There is a lot of wildlife. The beach area is remote and really nice.
  • Toonses
    Lots of birds and wildlife- hiking area-ramp for boat launch.Beside public marina.
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