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musee airborne

musee airborne

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    In its 50 years of existence the Airborne museum has become the biggest...


  • 564chadp
    This is definitely worth a visit if you are in the area. The museum is well done with excellent exhibits. My advice is to see the Neptune portion of the museum first.
  • Pty13
    It was a great experience, with a lot of things to see and a very unique way to show you some things. Even if our party din't know much about military we enjoyed it. We were there like 1 hour taking our time to see everything. Its a most stop on your Normandy tour. Definitely worth the money.
  • spacetourist
    Town retains church where GI hung from church steeple during assultMuseum shows full size gear, jeeps, glider, equip.Must see for any Airborne veteran (101, 82 etc).Very Pro American.Makes living history from sequence in The Longest Day movie.
  • labellemarianne
    My husband and I visited the Normandy sights right before New Year's 2015, and this museum was a short stop on the guided tour. We definitely could have spent a lot more time here, but we only got about 50 minutes to see everything we could (and then visit the gift shop, of course!). Thankfully our tour guide told us to prioritize the new paratrooper simulation, designed to make you feel like one of the men who jumped on Ste-Mere-Eglise to prepare for the D-Day boat arrivals. That was spectacular. Everything in the museum was so thoughtfully designed, which was great for me who never really studied all there was to know about the military strategy and what being a soldier/paratrooper actually entailed. My husband, a huge fan of Band of Brothers, loved the experience as well. We are very happy we were able to visit this museum on our tour!The admission fee was paid as part of our tour package so I can't comment on that.
  • EdF831
    Well worth delving into this museum , celebrates the American effort in this area with planes, tanks etc and the story of the victory in 'Sainte Mere Eglise' . Very good museum, well laid out and packed full of historical artefacts and relics .
  • AmeliafromBoston
    Do not miss this very interesting museum. It is loaded with large and small examples of the Normandy Campaign. I love the C-47 laid out with troops boarding before the jump on that, "Day of Days". Gliders, tanks, American and German weapons and a small bulldozer - and American made Oliver Tractor. If you love Military history take the time and visit this museum.
  • jambo1955
    Superb museum, excellent layout.I would have to give 10 out of 10.Gives a superb overview of what took place on D-Day.A must for a visit.
  • 703martynb
    Actual pieces of the Aircraft and land Armour in realistic settings to physically experience.Easy parking and access just across the Square from the famous Church with its Bars and Cafes .
  • 204PaulR204
    We to Sainte-Mere-Eglise as part of our holiday visit to Normandy and mainly wanted to visit the church and found the museum by accident and were very glad we did.My wife is in a wheel chair and access to the museum is very easy and disable people also get a reduced entrance fee. The museum is made up of 3 parts showing various aspects of the D Day invasion and how it affected the town, with a C-47 and D47 and many other items. I think the main thing that I learnt was that the US used different coloured parachutes for different drops such as for ammunition, arms, food, medical etc.As an area to visit Sainte-Mere-Eglise must come very much close to the top of the list.
  • 644PaulaB
    It gave you the feeling of being there during the war with all the memorabilia and life like depictions. Filled with treasures. So much to see and read.
  • Zebra_4456789
    This museum is dedicated to the men from the 82nd Airborne who jumped on Saint-Mere-Eglise on D-Day. The museum showcases a HORSA glider, a C47 transport plane, and a real nice simulation of the inside of a C47 before troops made their jump. There are also a few displays of the gear that was worn by the airborne troops. I would make a return visit to this museum.
  • 767eunicew
    Very interesting and insightful information about our country's past war and the bravery of our men who gave so much for our freedom.
  • heatherct_2012
    We went to this museum kind of as an afterthought, and we were so glad! I loved all the mannequins dressed up as soldiers and the planes. More visuals and not too much reading, which was good since we were kind of feeling museumed out. The best part is in the "Neptune" building, where you get to kind of experience what it's like to be on the plane and jump off with the paratroopers. Very well done.
  • 808lawrencew
    There are many WWII museums throughout Normandy. This is clearly one of the best. While the focus is on the role of airborne troops it tells a complete story of the invasion and breakout from Normandy. Just across the street from the church don't pass this one by.
  • LisaR915
    We have been there twice, both times with a tour guide and learned something different both times. There is a lot of history about WWII in this little town...the people are very friendly as well!
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