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sentier des douaniers

sentier des douaniers

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • alexandramachray
    We walked from the port at Ploumanac'h to Perros-Guirac and back, which took about 2.5 hours, on a beautiful (not windy) February day. The coastline is just beautiful and the paths have been managed very well, so suitable for most people. The Cote Granit Rose has not got the name for nothing. In the sun the rocks really are pink and have amazing geological formations. We started the return leg at about 11.30 and it was beginning to get busy, even in February, so if you are there in the season I would recommend an pretty early start to miss the crowds.
  • ileftfootprints
    Walking along these paths and admiring the granite formations is a must do if you are in the area. The colors and sculptures formed by over 300 million years of erosion is a sight to behold. Pictures do not do it proper justice. See it in person if you can. Paths are well marked for the most part and fairly easy to walk if one is in decent shape. Highly recommend.
  • SylviaK_13
    Wonderful walk in a striking atmosphere and light. Pure and simple, natural beauty and presence of nature at its best.
  • 521jeang
    a great way to discover France coastline, especially in Northern Brittany. we started from St Brieux all the way to st Quay, takes 5 hrs
  • 130MyriamB
    This is a great spot to walk around and discover britanny's pink granit coastline. Make sure to bring your camera, you'll definetly be clicking along the way" the path is quite easy to do but make sure you put on good shoes to be prepare to explore the shores and the rocks... Enjoy!
  • ScottandLinda
    Even short walks revealed amazing variations of rock structures and sea views. Plenty of lovely sandy beaches and coves to explore which are not crowded.
  • minsagin
    Well worth doing. It took an hour to walk from Perros Guirec to Ploumanach.Lots of surprises on the way. Dislike? Dog walkers not clearing up after their dogs!
  • gerry49
    Lovely views but you need to be fit to do the whole walk . Only did a short walk as wasn't sure how far it was to the end and then you have to walk back. There are carparks along the route so you could do it differently . Couldn't understand why runners used it . It was quite narrow and very stoney , rather uncomfortable underfoot .
  • garbagecollector
    The color of the rocks varies, but the hues of rose and coral are very apparent. For natural beauty, it doesn't get much better on the beach than this. At least one review had suggested that Chemin de Skevell was a good place to park. It worked out great for us! By arriving around 10:30am near the end of August during the week, we seemed to have avoided at least some of the crowds. We only had a few hours to spend, so this shortened our walk round-trip to Ploumanac'h. We then had time to eat in Ploumanac'h and enjoy stopping at a few of the most beautiful sites along the way. Highly recommended for those who enjoy outdoors, nature, and walking/hiking.
  • midlandsmoggy
    We walked from the western end of the Plage de Trestraou (Perros Guirec), along to Ploumanac'h, and on to Plage de la Saint Guirec, with our 20 month old son in a backpack in May. There was plenty of parking near the beach behind the seafront in Perros Guirec and we enjoyed time on the beach there after our walk.The views along the way are lovely, with many interesting rock formations, sea views, and varied coastal scenery. We stopped for a picnic lunch and a paddle en route at a sandy bay.Sensible footwear is advisable, particularly if you want to explore the side paths and beaches. The route is easy to follow and the main path is generally easy going.We walked back to our starting point on streets through town which, although shorter, is less level and a lot less interesting.
  • lizbc21
    This lovely, well managed footpath winds from Perros itself for 4 km towards a fab little bay with some outstanding & bizzarre gigantic boulders/ rocks. Not too strenuous - saw a few people there with tots in buggies , however the no bikes or Nordic poles ( ...yes I know.. ..danger of pole duels maybe!!) allowed according to the sign. I ran and walked this - it took 40 mins and about 2 hours respectively. There's a car park at the far end, so possible to do a little if the who thing doesn't appeal..
  • LizzFizz
    Well marked routes and spectacular views wherever you walked. I lost count of the number of amazing sandy beaches I walked past not to mention to stunning rock formations.
  • YML92
    One of the most beautiful seaside walk I ever did. From Perros-Guirrec to Trégastel (prefer this route) you will be amazed by those beautiful and huge rocks on the shore and the various views on the sea. This 5 hours trip is exceptional.
  • wadewade
    We stayed in Perros -Guirec and had planned to walk the full length and back but then decided to shorten it slightly by driving to the large parking space at the end of "Chemin de Skevel, Perros-Guirec" (just put it in your satnav and drive to the far end). We walked westwards in the morning, had lunch in Port de Ploumanach and walked back in the afternoon by which time the light had changed and gave us different effects. (Also see my review for the Bistrot du Port in Port de Ploumanch).
  • ceciliami
    We walked about 6 kilometres of the Sentier des douaniers and thoroughly enjoyed finding out what lay behind each blind turning or rise. We also walked a section in reverse and found some of the side paths to hidden sands or rock formations missed on the first outing. It really is a delightful path taking you past hidden beaches and the superb pink granite rock formations that give the surrounding coast its name. You are never really far from a watering or dining spot and you can bail out at any time for either. The most visited sections with the formations have car parks nearby so expect it to get a bit crowded at times but early morning and evening are less busy, in June at least. There plenty of information posted at various points on the reclamation work going on to beat erosion and there is a visitor centre which we neglected to go into. Mountain bikes are banned (there are places to park them) and so are walking sticks with sharp points although we saw this particular erosion-related rule being ignored. It is a good idea to have decent walking shoes for the longer stretches but this is not a difficult path so don't if, like me, you forgot to pack some. One point to bear in mind is that if you do go for a longer stint then the shortest way back is going to involve a bit of climbing up through the town itself. Next time we might just get a taxi to a distant part of the path and walk back. A recommended detour is to the sculpture park (uphill) which has some interesting uses of the local pink granite.
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