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abbaye de saint-germain d'auxerre

abbaye de saint-germain d'auxerre

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • dorjek2014
    Compared to the cathedral the abbey is somewhat drier in atmosphere but it does have an interesting museum and a large area of Roman remains. Also there is a crypt with the tomb of Saint Getmain and cloisters. It is free but if you want to enter the crypt you must ask at the reception. I paid for a guided tour which was very interesting.
  • likebeach
    The rain the day we visited ended up being a God send as we had a personal tour of the crypt in English because there were no other visitors. Great Roman things and also frescoes on the walls.
  • gugongee
    We couldn't enter here because we visited here in Saturday morning which is out of open hours. We just took a walk around the buildings. But I imagined that the wounds would be healed by the beautiful scene from the inside out. This looks very good place to have an exercise in the morning.
  • ProHistorian
    As an architectural historian I'm into old churches, and in the good, better best evaluation, this is not at the top. What makes it a "go see" is The crypts that contain some of the best preserved early murals in France. In order to protect them, crypts are only open with a paid tour. Auxerre is really more than the sum of its parts. few of the individual sites are top notch, but the town is very pretty and the many streets filled with timber frame buildings are a delight to wander.
  • 970laurak
    There was an exhibit on the first world war while I was here and it was relatively interesting. The ruins under the abbey were pretty cool, but it wasn't that exciting.
  • ZC247
    I admit, both quite bad reasons...First of all, to see a small church/chapel(?), totally different from all others, as it's very worn and simple, nothing on the walls, it looks as it will fall apart soon. Actually, you can't go up the tower next to the abbey, so that's also ruled out.Second, there's not much to see i Auxerre, so it'll fit in one day. but better spend the time on having a drink instead.I'd propose you to skip this, and see the Cathedrale St-Etienne, or even better, Église Saint-Eusèbe in the centre of Auxerre (yet unlisted) which is much more beautiful.
  • MikeG868
    It was an abbey but it is now more a museum and concert hall. Lovely architecture and worth the short walk to go and enjoy.
  • Gearosa
    I went to Auxerre for spend the weekend, see some winerys an visite the city. But in 12 hours i saw everything...really everything!! Is a beutiful city, but if you go to any neighborhood close from the Senne in Paris you can find the same things.Sunday all the centre viiles close (as in any city in France) so i decide take a bus end go to Chabblis Wine Fair, but this was not possible because there is no bus sunday work in the city and the is no bus to Chabbli any time at all...so you need a car or no deal.
  • felipeferreirario
    Very beautiful building with a astonishing crypt where you can see the most ancient mural paintings in France
  • kyjac09
    C'est la visite incontournable de la ville tant au niveau architectural qu'au niveau de la visite de la crypte avec ses peintures carolingiennes. L'ensemble permet de se plonger dans l'histoire de cette époque avec facilité. Ce bel ensemble surplombe l'Yonne, descendez les petites rue jusqu'à la passerelle qui enjambe le fleuve, la vue du milieu de la passerelle sur le monument et toute la ville ancienne est à ne pas manquer.
  • marionn593
    A première vue, on ne se doute pas du potentiel que cache cette abbaye.Nous vous conseillons tout particulièrement la visite guidée de la crypte. Le guide que nous avons eu explique simplement un sujet un peu complexe, et sait mettre à la portée de tous cette histoire.Les bâtiments sont magnifiques et bien entretenus. Les diverses expositions sont simples et ludiques. La mise en valeur des objets, des fouilles et de l'histoire est incomparable.En conclusion, l'abbaye de Saint Germain est incontournable.
  • magalib385
    Cette abbaye subit de nombreux travaux qui lui redonne l'eclat d'antan !! elle est exceptionnelle et mérite une petite visite !!
  • 238renatag
    Un lieu hors du temps, une architecture remarquable... L'abbaye Saint Germain d'Auxerre, un site à découvrir absolument !
  • Barrien
    Dommage que l'accès aux personnes à mobilité réduite soit aussi aussi peu pratique et surtout pas fléchée du tout. Sinon , le site révèle des trésors archéologiques insoupçonnés et une église riche en architecture.
  • MiguelA90
    A la entrada, austera, se destaca la presencia de una señora muy amable que nos dio las indicaciones a seguir. Comenzamos por el claustro, donde se respira una profunda calma. Luego seguimos por la visita de los restos arqueológicos que se hallaron en el lugar. Luego, un fascinante museo con restos de las culturas Gala y Romana, y un museo medieval. Muy buen estado de conservación.
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