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gerlachovsky stit

gerlachovsky stit

  • 等级:5A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • MARIO79
    Highest peak of Tatra Mountains at 2655 meters high. You have to book private guide to climb it. Climbed in August 2013 with R.Gajewski from ErGuide - good guide very professional - guy who climbed 8000 meters peak in Himalayas in winter !!! We climbed the top in about 3 hours from "Sliezsky Dom " Got perfect weather - unforgettable views from the top -well worth it.
  • atypus888
    Climb to highest peak of Slovakia is one of peaks where you have to arrange special mountain guide. Cost is based on max. 4 clients and cost is appr. 240EU per group of 3 sharing. It is important to find good guides and check his feedback from preivous trips. Trip starts in morning before 7 from Sliezsky Dom hotel(now restored in luxury place with higher rates) and there are more ways to the summit. Trails are quite steep and there are some scramblings. Group is ropped together with guide for ecurity. Guides provides all necessay equipment. Just bring good quality of gear and boots. After summit you are going down different way which is quite steel and expossed. Save enough energy for return and be careful with you fitness. There are many other peaks in my lovely High Tatras wher you need special guides . More info: www.tatraguide.sk, www.horskyvudce.com. You may also climb Gerlach in winter time too. If you like to know more about hiking trips, you may visit: www,private-trips.eu, company which organize hiking trips in Tatras for over 20 years.
  • katarinaz980
    As a Slovak I was obliged to go there. We had an excellent mountain guide. The track is difficult but totally worth it.
  • milankov
    highest peak of Slovakia. Very tiring route to top of peak. Orientation in time of bad weather is very difficult. Climb is from east side and descent form western side (Batizovska valey). Climb is permited with maintain guide only.
  • Foxlion
    You need a guide, which is not very cheap, but it is a rule. Also is very good to have special insurance and good equipment including helmet. The best time for visiting is Indian summer (end of september till october). The hike is very beautiful, not very hard but also not for beginners, there are 2 foot-trails to go up and down (Velicka and Batizovska), second one is better I think. If you will have good weather, as we had, you will enjoy all views through trail. I think, it is a must for people, who love High Tatras and hiking here.
  • janah118
    Nezabudnuteľný zážitok - svet na dlani z vrcholkov hôr. Spolu so skvelým vodcom sme boli až na Gerlachu - fyzicky náročné ale stálo to za to.
  • Qubasoff
    Одна из вершит Татр, на которую можно дойти пешком, но только с гидом (что весьма не дешево). Отличные, потрясающие виды.
  • _Q578SA
    Вершина горы всегда покрыта снегом, даже в пик лета. Татры вообще прекрасные горы, мы их очень любим. В Словакии природа сумасшедше красива везде, а Татры неотъемлемая ее часть. Обязательно советую!
  • hmyz
    Герлах красивый пик, но зависит если его смотрите из дали или хотели бы подняться на вершину. По словацким законам на пик разрешено выходить только с гидом, что можно понять если это касается туристов без опыта, но технически сюда одним нельзя даже опытным альпинистом. Местные гиды из точно не дешевих вшождений на гору сделали себе отличный бизнес и называют ефо хлебодарителем. Советую идти на инные вершины в области, куда доступ не ограничен - например Рысы, Кривань или Выходну Высоку (Восточную Высокыю) в той же долине.
  • antoniM_12
    Poleca gorąco trzeba tylko trafić na pogodę widoki zapierają dech w piersiach od widoków jak i od powietrza górskiego.
  • ExpGleiwitz_OS
    Das ist der höchste Gipfel in der Hohen Tatra, sondern auch ein bisschen schwierig, dorthin zu gelangen, so müssen Sie einen Bergführer zu nehmen. Trick ist eine gute Möglichkeit zu ergreifen, um, wenn Sie unten gehen, denn alles sieht gleich. Gerade bei schlechtem Wetter / Nebel, der Fehler kann Sie das Leben kosten
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