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liberec town hall

liberec town hall

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • czken
    This magnificent piece of architectural history sits at the heart of the city on the main square. The building itself is breathtaking and serves as the hub of many cultural events, fairs, musical presentations, graduation ceremonies and weddings in a spectacular, stain glass lined ceremonial hall. Tours are available and on selected days you can climb to the top of its towers for a spectacular view of the city and surrounds. Look for those days. There is a sobering monument to victims of the 1968 Invasion at the entry of the building that is usually adorned with fresh flowers. A must see to all visitors to the city.
  • Tiagosoares17
    My review it will be more about the city. It worth a visit of a day. It's a small town with not to much to see but certainly has some attractions which won't disappoint you.
  • Ola-i-Bartek
    Beautiful building, I really like it. All market square in Liberec looks amazing. You will not be disappointed if you want to visit this city.
  • lordbeau
    Worth a quick walk into the market square to see the buildings; the town hall is very elaborate and a hidden gem in Liberec,
  • jana_maresova
    the sight seeing tour up to the tower was interesting, the bird's-eye view on the city beautiful. it is necessary to check the opening hours. close to the town hall is the City Point where are the guides and maps possible to buy, also to get some information
  • towncouncillor
    Go to the information center near the Town Hall and get a guide at very reasonable prices to show you this building. We got right to the top of the building and it's balcony, which was a bit of an adventure itself and a beautiful view from the top to the city and surroundings.
  • beaver055
    The centrepiece of a lovely square, unfortunately it was not open so we didn't see thie inside which is apparently equally beautiful
  • Helios69
    LIberec is very nice city for living or short stay. Don't forget to visit Town Hall, zoo and Jested wit its very famous building.
  • 753ji_c
    Perfektní nákupy a vánoční dárky. Centrum Liberce u radnice. V blízkosti je možnost kulturního i sportovního vyžití.
  • scorpionbruno
    Zeker het bekijken waard zowel in de zomer als winter.Opgetrokken in Neo-Gothische stijl, je waant je zo terug in de belle epoque tijd.Geniet ondertussen van een lekkere koffie op 1 van de talrijke terrasjes rond het plein.
  • Goros84
    Perełka Liberca i główny pukt miejskiego deptaku, będąc w tym mieście koniecznie trzeba go zobaczyć. Najciekawsza atrakcja miasta zaraz po szczycie Jested.
  • Kadimych
    Либерец производит впечатление столицы. Шикарная рыночная площадь с огромной неоготической ратушей, почти как в Мюнхене. Шопингцентры и роскошные бутики с яркими витринами, плотное движение на улицах, скоростные трамваи и большие автобусы - все говорит о большом шумном городе.
  • divoir
    Il vaut le déplacement ce bâtiment, mairie ? La place sur laquelle il est situé est mignonne, il y a un opéra/théâtre derrière. Pour vous abriter de la pluie, si comme nous vous êtes malchanceux, foncez prendre un gâteau au café Praha, juste à l'angle face à la mairie. Leurs gâteaux sont délicieux, de quoi oublier les grosses averses qui dégringolent. Nous étions garés en sous-sol d'un complexe commercial, ouvert le dimanche. Parking gratuit le dimanche.
  • monikav25
    Na radnici jsme se byli podívat jen zvenčí. Jelikož budova je prostě impozantní a dominuje celému náměstí, ovšem za shlédnutí stojí také kašna na druhé straně nám. Edvarda Beneše. Horší je to se zaparkováním v centru města, zóny jsou tam pouze pro rezidenty.
  • Daro71
    Perełka architektury w równie pięknym rynku. Myśmy usiedli w pobliskiej restauracji a później w pobliżu fontanny podziwiając ratusz. Robi naprawdę duże wrażenie. Liberec jest bardzo pięknym miastem, po Pradze najładniejsze w którym byłem. Piękne kamieniczki dodają również uroku.
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