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canyon rio sass

canyon rio sass

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • rosiespr
    Beautiful walk beside a river culminating in a lake - takes about 30 minutes. Some steep steps at the end.
  • _U349FG
    Nice easy to go around canyon At the end of path there is a fall ! Then you go up the stairs to see the beautiful lake Whig is not very deep but pleasant .
  • toddytwo
    We were staying in Fondo last week and decided to try the walk up the canyon .The walk was fascinating , the stream and waterfalls beautiful and the big waterfall and lake at the top a lovely surprise.Well worth a visit
  • WorldTravlerNaplesFL
    After research on TripAdvisor we drove from Melveno to take a tour through the canyon. Well worth the effort. The narrow gorge was cut through the earth by the moving glaciers of the Ice Age. After a hike through the apple orchards and through the woods, you de end into the gorge, about 60 feet below the earth and about 50 feet above the fast moving water at the bottom. Every direction you look is worth a picture. It is a must see experience. Only 9 Euros per adult and 25 Euros per family. If your GPS will not locate the site, drive to Revo and turn at the church off the main road to the well marked building that houses the guides that will provide you with hard hats that are required in the gorge.
  • 245susan
    we walked only a little way into the canyon,as there was a lot of deep snow in the more shaded areas,and it was quite slippy. we would have liked to have gone farther but we were wearing the wrong footwear
  • 324lesm
    due to the time of year the main walk was closed however we did manage to walk the other way to the lake
  • Jon068
    I was given a FREE guided tour through the canyon and marveled at beauty of this place with every step I took, you would have to be blind not to appreciate this beautiful and historic attraction, and then to have an Italian Ice Cream having completed the walk which is as long or as short as you make it is a real bonus. If you are in the area you must see it.
  • TheCrewes
    We went for a drive looking for this "canyon" this evening and after we walked through it were surprised to realize that what we saw was all that was hyped about, and you can reportedly take guided tours through it?We walked for say five minutes down some stairs through the canyon which was indeed neat, but nothing in comparison to other canyons and sights we have seen. For example, Johnston Canyon in Alberta provides considerably more wow factor and is a much more "worth-it" experience. It was a pleasant hike and pretty, but nothing I'd call amazing.
  • thelostboys
    If you go to Fondo you must walk through the Canyon, it's breathtaking. We went when it was knee high in snow and it was spectacular.
  • paulandvalerie
    Melting snow and ice from the lake made the cascades wonderful to watch and the walk along the canyon was unlike anything in the UK
  • jeanl
    We went here on our last day as we had time to kill, a lovely quiet walk through the canyon with a stream running down one side and woods on the other. It is not a long walk and very pleasant but you must be able bodied as their are some stairs by the waterfall and it takes you to Lago Smeraldo ( Emerald Lake) which was actually frozen when we went.
  • BlackpoolStevieb
    There are almost no words I can use to review the canyon rio sass as it is one of the most staggering sights I have ever seen!We were so fortunate to walk the canyon several times during our stay in Fondo and we never tired of its beauty. From the moment you see the snow covered water wheel with the part frozen stream disappearing into the canyon, you know you will be seeing something special.You follow the stream through a pure winter wonderland over picture postcard bridges to the hidden waterfalls and up to the lake - the lake was frozen when we got there and the locals were diving under the iceFANTASTIC !
  • NatyTravels
    This is a must! Starts at Fondo village towards Lake Smeraldo, after a few minutes walk by the stream and trees you reach an area of suspended walkways inside the gorges and canyon until reaching beautifully Lake Smeraldo. There are other routes in the opposite direction too but I only did the bit towards Lake Smeraldo. Go to the Tourist Information Centre in Fondo and ask for a Canyons leaflet as there's plenty in the area.
  • donovan5
    The Rio Sass canyon is found in the heart of Fondo and has been shaped by the water, as it flows through the town. The canyon bisects this important city of the Upper Val di Non, dividing it into two separate sections. Since 2001, a thrilling - particularly for children - path is available and takes visitors on a tour of its swirling waters and waterfalls as well as to admire its Marmitte dei Giganti, fossils, stalagmites and stalactites. The path is complete with jutting platforms, staircases and ladders and features a 145 m drop, with 348 steps. Apart from the many phenomena which can be admired here - caused by the movement of the water as it shapes the rocks - special mention must also be made of the red and green algae, moss and ferns which nestle amidst its endless curves and bends.
  • PatD811
    A peaceful walk through the canyon to the lake. How about trying the guided tour along the underground section too!
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