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grotte del caglieron

grotte del caglieron

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • ksvanaasen
    Visited the caves while doing a short getaway in the area. My 5 year old daughter loved the place, running around in the caves singing and climbing. While the sign boards are all in Italian, the science behind the caves are understandable due to graphics and standard symbols from chemistry.The walk is only 1 km one way, so it is very manageable, even with the 5 year old.The walk is made to blend into nature.Only negative is the information center at the top is only open during main tourist season.
  • ByeByeCliff
    We enjoyed a lovely walk at our own pace around these caves and pretty wooden walkways. The young lady at the information point was very friendly and welcoming. Our 7 year old didn't want to be restricted by a tour guide so the fact that we were given a map and could go around on our own suited us perfectly. There were some lovely, covered picnic benches for lunch. I can't believe it was all free! Definitely worth a visit!
  • Slejpner
    This site is definately worth a visit if you are in the area. The caves and winding wooden walkways that hang off the sides of the cliffs makes for a very charming and almost magic walk that will take you about 45 minutes leading you past numerous water falls and scenic sites.To get there don't just let your GPS pick the fastest route as this may well lead you onto a very small mountain road through Colors, but instead drive through the city of Fregona for easiest access.
  • alex_tu
    If you like nature views you differently should to see this place.I've spend a lot of time to find GPS coordinates. You should to point Fregona, Italy in your GPS.In the canter of Fregona you will find pointers to this place.Keep in your mind that you should to choose not very hot time. Because this place is very sunny and without any wind.
  • kiserj77
    A nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon with your family. A beautiful walk and gorgeous waterfalls. I had a nice time with family and friends exploring this area. A must when living in the Pordenone region!
  • janam479
    We were thrilled with the cave! A short (45 minutes to complete) morning out with my three young children had them searching for dragons amongst the caves and walkways. The caves are free; the only expense was 2€ for parking. We brought a picnic and turned it into a fun morning out. We will definitely be going back.
  • Sabeerart
    It was definitely worth the trip. It cost 2 euros for parking but other than that it's free to enter. It felt as if it were a scene from a movie it was so serene. And as a plus in the summertime when it's blazing hot outside to walk into the caves and down the path is quite refreshing with the cave chill. All I wanted to do personally was swim in the waterfalls but there is a sign that tells you otherwise. If you are willing to climb a little bit and get adventurous you can find some secluded places to relax and possibly have a picnic. I know that's what I'll be doing when I come back next year. It's one of my new favorite nature areas in the north.
  • 515darreng
    There aren't many caves, but they are stunning, and the waterfalls and walks by the stream are really peaceful and lovely. The whole area is a bit out of the way, but if you want a nice relaxing walk with some interesting cave systems this is a great experience.
  • 553phild
    Very beautiful. The restaurant at the end of the trail had excellent food and a great atmosphere. I would go back.
  • thiel045
    We stopped by the grotte while we were in the area on holiday. The grotte is tucked back near the foothills of the Dolomites. The hike to see the various caverns is short and nicely challenging, and it is a very interesting and unique place. If you're in the area I'd definitely stop by.
  • knives590
    Siamo andati verso mezzogiorno. Il posto propone un'atmosfera da film di avventura. Veramente un bel posto da visitare,peccato che il tutto si gira in una mezz'oretta. Però merita veramente.
  • 8roby8
    grotte carine da visitare, magari una domenica pomeriggio tanto per veder qualcosa di nuovo!gratuite e adatte a tutti.. il tutto immerso nella natura...parcheggio a pagamento d'estate.da visitare in estate-primavera,praticamente in una giornata soleggiata. non molto lungo il percorso,cosi come le grotte non sono grandi.se passate di li vale la pena farci una sosta!
    Ein kurzer Spaziergang durch eine Sandsteinschlucht führt zu einem Steinbruch im Berg. Zutritt frei, Parkgebühr ein paar Euro. Hier wurde über Jahrhunderte Sandstein als Baumaterial gewonnen. Der ganze Berg darüber ruht nur mehr auf ein paar Sandsteinsäulen. Am Ende der Schlucht befindet sich ein ausgezeichnetes Restaurant in einer alten Mühle.
  • 720giuliab
    Una gita tranquilla, gratis, non troppo impegnativa ma coinvolgente perchè immersa nella natura (anche di quella più insolita). Un piccolo assaggio delle meraviglie naturali che a volte facciamo fatica ad apprezzare a causa della loro rarità! Il giro completo si fa in circa un'ora andando con calma. Munirsi di scarponcini comodi in caso di pioggia o fango. Per gli amanti della fotografia consiglio di valutare bene l'orario ideale in cui andare per avere una luce ottimale visto che gli spunti artistici qui non mancano.
  • lela50
    Ho scoperto per caso l'esistenza di queste grotte da un amico . Da dove abito io circa 60 Km,percorrendo l'autostrada Mestre -Vittorio Veneto si esce la 1° uscita ( est), Le grotte si trovano a Fregona,Grotte carine con cascatelle e una passerella sospesa per fare il percorso.Ci si impiega una mezz'oretta per visitarle.
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