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cretaquarium thalassocosmos

cretaquarium thalassocosmos

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    Crete’s aquarium, Cretaquarium, opened in December 2005. Belonging to a...


  • PallasHuang
    去希腊除了到圣托里尼看夕阳,雅典卫城看雅典娜神殿,米克那斯(Myknos)裸体海滩大作日光浴之外,你还可以去克里特岛第一大城伊拉克里翁(Heraklion,Crete)的Cretaquarium,体验地中海水中生物之美。印象中,我不曾到台湾的海洋生物馆,踏出国门后却跟希腊当地人一样,到Cretaquarium一探究竟。坐在晶莹透亮的玻璃前,犹如和鱼群一同畅游在深海中。近距离见到活生生的鲨鱼,连身上的伤痕都能清楚地看到,小巧的海马快速地摆动身躯,小丑鱼穿梭在珊瑚群,海鳝的嘴一张一合,海星一动也不动的待在原地。原来在希腊不用到海边也可以玩得很开心! 交通资讯:从市区自行开车或骑机车出发的话,只要沿着Cret@quarium棕色标志的方向走就会到了,不想自己开车的话,也可以从市区公车站搭巴士过去。
  • peterhE9438NC
    Modern well stocked and maintained aquarium, suitable for wheelchair visitors. Quality gift shop and pleasant cafe. We really enjoy visiting.
  • EduFriera
    We stayed a couple of hours there. It is very clean an has lot of room to walk around. Very interesting species.
  • katerinar445
    We enjoyed the visit very much. We are a family of 5 (with 3 kids:9 years old, 7 years old and 2,5 years old). The exhibition is amazing and we also liked the cafe and the shop. The sharks are breathtaking and the kids got very excited. I loved the jellyfish very much. After the visit we enjoyed ice-cream and coffee at the cafe outside the building as it was summertime. The area is very nice for a walk by the sea. The aquarium shop has very interesting gifts, souvenir, toys and handmade jewelry.
  • altheahotela
    The aquarium at Iraklio is a must to visit if you are in Creta .A huge variety of fishes and sea creatures very nicely equipped. ....can be reached easily by bus.
  • xdavidox
    Nice to spend here an afternoon, when the weather is not perfect for the beach. Not too big, but still interesting.
  • 459carolinab
    Great for a family outing:) very pleasant experience here.Big fish tanks and very colorful everywhere
  • pawe_w24
    Not really big but a nice and very educating place where u can see what lives beneath the surface of the sea
  • George19802013
    Let yourself dive into deep waters...listen to the music and the sounds of the sea...come face to face with incredible creatures, turtles, jellyfish, rays, eels, octopus and sharks...A modern construction that has nothing to be jealous of other aquariums around Europe...You will be amazed by the installations, the displays, the cleanliness and the way that everything works in Thalassocosmos! You can go on your own, with your friends, with your partner or even with your family...you will enjoy it as much as possible and you will learn more things about the sea and all her secrets!Don't miss it!You will be mesmerized by the hundreds of fish in display....sit back relax and enjoy!I 've been there three times and cannot wait to visit this place once again!It's worth every single penny!
  • Nickn576
    We visited during December we my family, very interested and well attraction organized near Heraklion city.
  • idomeneasm
    excellent place to go with kids! the place is simply amazing ....if you realy want to donot bother you for two hours rent the informational system....they will go from tank to tank and hearing the information and they will tell you back !!! i have gone probably three or four times and i will go back again!FREE PARKING!it is situaded in an old nato base by the sea...
  • Xenophon2014
    This is a very interesting visit at a medium size acquarium that is suitable for families as well as individuals. Includes sharks and seaturtle.
  • RichardM384
    When you travel to a distant city it always becomes a question of what to do when you get there. If you do happen to visit Heraklion you should visit the aquarium. It is a bit of a hike to get there without a car but the bus from the city will get you close. The displays are very well done and the variety of sea life displayed is great. Nice flow for the guests but it can get crowded when the bus tours fill the facility. Great place to take children of all ages. Lots of places to sit and rest. Food and drink facilities are clean and moderately priced.
  • Bucketgob
    Well priced attraction with plenty to see..Well signposted as it's to be found on a largely unused industrial estate. Free parking..Very modern style building and very informative staff..
  • GP20D
    When we first visited Cretaquarum, my daugter was 3 years old. When we entered she was so exited that she started to scream from happiness...Everytime i visit Cretaquarium, i feel so close to the sea, and never stop to be amazed by the variety of the species and the beautiful scenery.
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