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chinchilla historical museum

chinchilla historical museum

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍


  • wendyg347
    This historical museum has something for everyone - farm machinery, transport eg wagons and sulkies ; fully reconstructed sawmill; old school room; a full sized old "bark hut";social history items such as musical instruments, cameras, baby prams and cots; costumes for children and adults from yesteryear; hospital and medical equipment; a huge display of local gemstones ... the list goes on.It is a huge museum spread out over a number of buildings on a large site so you need to wear good shoes and allow plenty of time.Minimal refreshments are available as the museum is staffed by volunteers and has no cafe. ( I believe that you may ask for a "pass out" to go to a local cafe nearby and return later).There is little merchandise - go to the nearby Tourist Information Centre for that if you want any mementoes. Museum staff were very helpful and keen to share stories of Chinchilla history.The day we were there we enjoyed a ride on a mini - locomotive, although we were told this is not usually on offer.We would thoroughly recommend a visit to this wonderful museum quite close to the centre of town.Check the opening times and days.
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