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huatoki walkway

huatoki walkway

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • sladeb2015
    If you need to get away from it all, this is the place. Hardly saw any people during the afternoon, mind you it was mid week. Was very relaxed post this....
  • Youngone51
    A bit of a wild walk, not planted nicely like the Te Henui walkway but still nice. It follows the Huatoki Stream. It is great to mountain bike or jog along.Check out the old quarry that the prisoners years ago worked in (you can see the old prison above the quarry).
  • ElizabethJ880
    As one of the greatest inner city walkways, Huatoki gets great ratings except that due to erosion issues, there are patches of it that are under repair right now. The detours are marked but not easy to spot. The unfamiliar tramper can get lost. The new sections are short but well done. And if you know where to look, there is a community orchard for your enjoyment.
  • 232raes
    Huatoki walkway is well worth walking if you enjoy that sort of thing.nice easy stroll passing alongside a river and eventally ending up downtown where you can enjoy a coffee or tea break alongside the Huatoki stream which meanders through the town center.Well worth doing for walkers of all ages.
  • marty939
    peace and quiet, the stream wandering down to the sea,. seats all the way down, sit and relax.You eventually arrive at the walkway, awesome views.
  • 527hamishc
    This walkway follows the Huatoki Stream from central New Plymouth, through urban areas and into the countryside at Tupari Reserve. The lower portion of the walkway has recently been upgraded and is a great walk on a sunny afternoon.
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