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site traditionnel huron

site traditionnel huron

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点介绍

    Located on the Huron-Wendat reservation, the Huron Traditional Site is a...


  • waterangel21
    So even though I emailed to ask about an English guide, and they told me to come anytime on a certain day, when I arrived, there was no English guide. And the French tour had left 10 minutes earlier (on the hour, although they said in their email that there was no schedule of tours). Luckily I managed to catch up with the French tour (which lasted about an hour total), but I had to attempt to translate the whole time for my friend who doesn't speak French.As for the tour and site itself, it was interesting (but not fantastically amazing). I didn't know much about past or present Huron life (my personal favorite tidbit- they have their own bank, and thus are in much better financial shape than most reservations). You definitely should take a car to get here. And bundle up in the winter. The gift shop was nice, but not everything was made by the Hurons, and in the end, I didn't get anything. Also, the restaurant was closed, possibly due to the holiday season.
  • boum64
    Interesting cultural site. They rebuilt the building the Huron Wendat were living in or using. The guide gives a lot of interesting information of the way of living if that first nation more than 400 years ago. A must if you come to Quebec City but not easy to get there if you don't have a car.
  • 323jeanb
    This was very interesting geting to learn about the history and lifestyle of the wandates. We really enjoy the visit of the long House. Our guide Charles was very knowledgeable
  • UveO
    I enjoyed every moment of our stay in this place. The guide was great, explaining everything properly. It is not commercial the site at all, nobody is pushing to buy, just if you consider to do so. They have a huge shop as well, where you can buy all kind of things, not expensive (some of the items even cheaper than in Montreal and Quebec). They have in the shop a large variety of jewelry, made by the native artists. Also if you are there, take a tour of the streets and look at the houses, the clean and beautiful green lawns. I enjoyed very much that half day or even more spent there. It is a must go and see.
  • 318JohnL318
    My wife had always wanted to learn more about the native Indians so this visit was an important one for her. We arrived on Labour Day and it was drizzling but the guides at the centre were all enthusiastic and smiling. They were all dressed in their traditional costumes and carried out a dance routine at the start of the tour. The visit took us back in time explaining the roles of each family member.Inside a "Long-House" you get a good idea how life was at that time. The building is well stocked with logs, furs and bedding, bags for personal possessions and other equipment. We saw Canoes, snow shoes, ritual masks, Dream Catchers and more!Elsewhere, there are pictures of earlier Chiefs up to present day. We learned that the community has it's own bank, school and church. Many the road signs are named after former Chiefs.There is a large gift shop on site with a comprehensive display of articles for sale as souvenirs.This is a well run site, and your visit will help it's future.
  • KatMaNe
    We wanted to visit the Huron Wendat Museum and I put the postcode into my sat nav. This brought me only to some houses. Eventually I found what I believed was the museum only to find out back at home that this was not the museum I wanted to visit (I wanted to visit the modern museum with the attached hotel.) There are hardly any signposts! Something that could definitely be improved! Also nobody told us that there was another site. Anyway, this smaller and more traditional site is very informative. We took the guided tour and learnt a lot about the way of life of the Wendat people. We also visited the dance show and I even smoked the pipe of peace! There is also a shop on site. Altogether well worth the visit but I just wish I knew about the other part of the museum, too.
  • jan_hersh
    The guided tour was great, as was the dancing. We ate at the restaurant on site, and the food was different and tasty. A must see attraction while in Quebec.
  • faozanrizal
    To meet with American Native people or Indian is my child dream, yes thats because of Karl May with his Winnetou. The site is very nice and historic and walking trough the site is remind me a lot of my child time in Dayak Village in Borneo Indonesia :p . Here in this site we can learn many wisdom and we learn how the Native people are the real earth keeper, how they respect nature and how they trying understand the mother earth. Well in this site also we can experience their living and how they preserve food, how they make medication etc. the one bit sad is that the people there is more mixed and seem like ordinary western :p any way this maybe for tourist so they make a dance and singing to welcome you. the ticket is affordable and we can experience native cuisine also, many are meat and some herbs. They have also souvenirs store and guide in many difference languages.
  • Vowels
    I was very intrigued when I read about this on the internet... There aren't many places in Canada that you can go and learn about the first nations people from the people themselves. It costs $13 for the tour which is informative enough, but could have had a little more information for those of us who wanted to delve into the past. The props, decorations and re-created artifacts were well done and our guide was pleasant with a dry sense of humour and willing to answer questions to the best of his ability.There was an optional dance show for $7 which we did not see and I do believe you can eat there if you so desire. It's worth a visit... Especially if you are Canadian... Just to get a different perspective on things... And to perhaps learn a thing or two ;)
  • HeleneH699
    Wow! Glad I took a 20 minute walk from hotel to visit village traditionnel! You could go there by car too. Lots of parking. Well worth the visit. There were some group visits but I opted to go alone and was able to follow trails and signage. Writing is only in French for the most part so if you cannot read in French, opt for the toured visit. Did not try the restaurant but went inside the huge store. Prices are about the same everywhere in town.
  • cedarsmith
    I was able to have a solo tour with the lovely English-speaking guide. The village is a small recreation of a traditional village. It is not al all slick or high tech but rather as it should be rustic and handmade.I was very interested in the display of canoe construction, the sweat "lodge", and the long house. I had difficulty finding the site. I suggest you get detailed directions before you go. I enjoyed a traditional lunch at the on-site restaurant.After I went a mile or so away to the hotel/museum. This seems like a very nice place to stay. I enjoyed the museum and the gallery.
  • maplejohnson
    Our tour guide was very nice and informative and it was nice to hear his stories. Sad to hear how most of the culture was destroyed obviously. Food at the restaurant was okay but this is one part that could be improved as the quality was not amazing although the service and decor inside were nice.
  • German_Retiree
    We visited the Musee Huron-Wendat and this time around did not have time to continue on to the Site Traditionnel Huron, which the museum does not particularly advertise. While I would definitely consider the museum an excellent introduction to the Huron-Wendat culture I would skip the (one-hour) guided tour and continue on to the Site Traditionnel Huron. It's a few kilometers away, and the approach is anything but exciting (industrial area)--but the guided tour (our guide was a native Wendat woman) was much more informative than what we saw and heard during the museum tour. We somehow felt that this young woman had much more of a personal experience than the museum guide--that's how she came across.
  • ruvik2013
    Its not a real village. 2 or 3 indian tipis and nothing more. Dont waste time going there. The guides were so rude that you seem like bothering them being there. Its ridicolous...
  • BinOnTheLam
    Did not expect much once we arrived at its location in an industrial park, and my expectations were met. For $12 you get a guided tour (about 30 minutes) of the small park which has exhibits that illustrate aspects of native life. Our guide was a native fellow dressed in traditional garb. He was personable and reasonably entertaining. Overall the exhibits were not that informative and a mostly run down. The most memorable was the partial recreation of a long house. (We did not visit the long house at the nearby First Nations hotel/museum, so cannot compare them.) We stayed for the lunch special at the restaurant. This was a mistake. $20 for what was essentially meat loaf style kabobs with brown sauce and some wild rice, and over cooked vegetables, likely from a can. Desert was white cake with maple sauce on it. Very disappointing.Essentially a tourist trap, leave it to the bus tour crowd....
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