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san jose church (iglesia de san jose)

san jose church (iglesia de san jose)

  • 等级:4A
  • 地址: 暂无
  • 开放时间: 暂无
  • 景点印象

  • k0ye0
    Most Cuban cities have a Spanish style, safe, central area with shopping, old narrow streets, hustlers, local shops, churches and a museum. Insist on eating at a local home restaurant for about one convertible CUC! Make sure you take your own bottled water along.
  • 384ingridar
    You've went there, you've seen it from the outside and that's enough, trust me. There is nothing spectacular inside, just an average church.
  • cubatista
    It was being renovated at the time of my last visit. Great architecture, poor upkeeping. The church is not open for visit 24h a day, but you can go around the back and knock on the door. The y will let you in and take a look around.
  • 611mrsd
    Wow...this Church is like going back in time....it would be not fun if I tell you how is inside..you must visit...But I will tell you that it is located in a very nice par called San Jose, the floors are like bricks as it was back in the 40th's...inside....there are statues of saints and the seem real...I love going there.
  • roadtripvacation
    Outside on the steps were beggars , but inside the Church was serene with beautiful craftsmanship, the locals are very proud of the church.
  • joestrong
    nothing sticks out about this church inside or out. i'm no expert but have been inside the sistine chapel & st. peter's basilica, etc so this really was pretty plain to me.
  • RobinThom
    The official name for the park this church is situated in is Parque Carlos Manuel de Céspedes but everyone calls it Parque San Jose. The park is surrounded by a couple of small art galleries, the cultural center Casa de Iberoamerica (that hosts a week long festival in the fall and numerous music and dance events), a small museum, a couple of pizza places, a couple of CUC shops, a large bank, and the Ministry of Culture. On weekends men trade fighting cocks here.The church clock is notable because it actually works and is accurate. The interior is unique because it is asymmetrical with the north side being unfinished concrete (possibly intentional).
  • Z7497QR_
    Католическая церковь Сан Хосе, неоклассический архитектурный стиль, в купе с Собором Сан-Исидоро составляют культурную ценность Ольгина
  • JoAnne1012
    Une vieille eglise pas trop grande pas trop petite! Très haute! Fabriqué de vieux bois, plafonds avec des peintures de leur temps. Décoré comme nous pour Noël, la crèche Wow! Une statue du pape a l'extérieur! Très propre!
  • 888jesusb
    sera en un futuro un monumento Romano!!! pero tiene de todo para ser el centro del nuevo Holguín, aqui compre flores y cerca espere para ir al campismo de la silla de gibara y demas
  • YosvanyD
    Se hace un esfuerzo por mejorar la imagen de la ya sentenaria iglesia de SAN Jose, ahora las obras se centran en sus alrededores.
  • hugoblanco
    Este lugar es muy bonito, repasas la historia de holguín, ahora lo está remosando y seguro que será una visita obligada, frente tiene la Casa Ibero y un Restaurante Excelente
  • YulitzaP
    esta en estos momentos en completa restructuracion asi como sus alrrededores impidiendo de apreciar su verdadera belleza,pienso que vale la pena ser visitada
  • merleb655
    Ik kon er niet zomaar langslopen, prachtig onderhouden en erg mooi om te zien!
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