对于历史古蹟有特别兴趣的人来说, 特别欧洲的史蹟, 来这里走走, 感受一下两千年前的历史建筑遗迹就横陈在你的眼前, 遥想一下当年的人们在这城墙内外的种种, 商旅来往, 作战厮杀, 日常生活, 应该是一件很有趣的事; 往城墙上走去, 斑驳的墙面上, 遗留着一种古老而遥远的视觉感受。这城门连接着城区, 一路往城区中心走去, 有市集, 也有些有趣的店, 适合你逛上个半天。之后,市中心还可以顺道一游, 圣母大教堂, 特里尔大教堂, 君士坦丁巴西里加大教堂..
This must be one of the largest Roman remains north of the Alps and reflects the role of Trier as the regional capital of the Roman Empire. I think it interesting that so much survived during medieval times because it had developed a religious use and then saved from Napoleons despoilation of religious buildings because of its antiquity.
Meet the Romans in Trier.The Gate is impressive.It dominates the Town.From here Tourist buses and trains start.
This is an amazing place to visit. The structure dates back to Roman times and is 1800 years old, took over 10 years to build. I really am impressed that it has survived all these years and that I was able to touch the stone. Our tour guide told us that no cement was used in building it because the stone masons cut all the stones to fit perfectly. It has had some repairs but its foundation and most of the stones appear to be relics. The last time I was around something that was that old was in Rome and in Sergovia Spain. I like this one because I could touch it and wonder what 1800 years worth of people coming and and out must be like.
I love the Roman architecture. I'm impressed that's it's managed to survive for 2,000 years, unlike the other 3 gates into Trier. Brought out my imagination as to what this city must have looked like back when the Romans were here.
I expected something more. It's just part of the Roman building. Old - fact - but it isn't really attraction for tourist who is not an archeologist :-)
I love the Roman ruins in Trier. The Porte Negra has a great story too. You can go inside it and take a tour and they will tell you the whole story. I just cant imagine living amongst so much history. It is truly beautiful, and the Roman Baths are definitely worth a visit as well.
The Porta Nigra is such a beautiful and imposing structure. Climb up to the top for views of the surrounding area. Also, during certain times there are Authentic looking Roman guards to take your picture with. I wish they offered historic tours and reenactments in English. In my opinion, the Porta Nigra a night is the most spectacular, lit up in all it's glory.
Due to a rain the day we visited Trier, we didn't venture far into the city, but were able to stop by Roman Bath and the Black Gate, which was very impressive and we would highly recommend to see the whole complex and the Gate (especially go under it and see the sky from there)